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Suggestions for Action

Persuasive writing must give people information on how to take action, and the suggestion must be practicable.

A campaign by a utility provides a good example. If the company really wants people to conserve energy, it must provide information on how to do so. The sugges­tions may be as simple as turning the thermostat down to 68 degrees, wearing sweaters in the house during the winter months, or purchasing a roll of weather stripping to place around the windows and doors. All these suggestions are within the capability of the utility's customers.

However, if the suggestion is to insulate your house thoroughly, this may not be feasible for consumers with limited incomes. In this case, the utility may accompany the suggestion with a special program of interest-free loans or a discount coupon to make it easier for customers to take the recommended action. In this way, the sugges­tion becomes feasible to thousands more homeowners.

Environmental organizations, to use another example, make a point of providing information on how to write to your legislator. They provide not only the legislstor's address but also a sample letter that you can copy. Greenpeace simply mails its mem­bers postcards with preprinted messages. All you have to do is sign the postcard and affix a stamp.