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Psa: 30 seconds

SFX: Health club: clanging weights, huffing and puffing, aerobics music, and instructor in background.

1st Man: You're in pretty good shape, Fred.

2nd Man: (Exhaling loudly) Thanks!

1st Man: In fact, you're in great shape, Fred.

2nd Man: (Louder exhaling) Gee, thanks!

1st Man: So tell me, why aren't you signed up to donate blood next week with the rest of us at the health club?

2nd Man: (Nervous) Uh . . . I'm overweight.

1st Man: Fred, look at those muscles!

2nd Man: I ... I'm pregnant.

1st Man: Fred!

2nd Man: I'll be out of town. I have an appointment on the moon!

1st Man: Fred, Fred, Fred.

ANNCR: Everybody has an excuse for not giving blood. But how can you use those excuses when your neighbors, friends . . . and your own family are counting on you? Think of donating blood as part of your physical fitness and well-being. This message brought to you by the Ameri­can Red Cross in cooperation with this station.

Instructive dialog. This is a variation on the humorous dialog, with the main difference being one of tone: the uninformed person is merely lacking information, and the knowledgeable person is helpful. This is a kinder format, but may not be as in­teresting or memorable to the listener as humorous dialog.