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Approaching Your Local Cable Operator

Based on their bad experiences trying to report and correct service out­ages, many consumers assume that local cable companies are as unap­proachable as the Wizard of Oz. Public relations people should have no such fear. The cable operator is hungry for "product"—information to put on the screen—and is especially happy when you offer an attractive pro­gram at no cost.

Nonprofit groups also can take advantage of the public-access chan­nels on cable television. There usually is a channel reserved for announcements and advertisements and sometimes also for program listings. Time is donated for nonprofit organizations to list their activities.

If you purchase a paid advertisement on cable television, you'll find it cheaper than advertising on broadcast television—as low as fifty dollars for a one-shot spot. Cable operators also will talk with you about using their demographics to target people by neighborhoods, or even street by street, for a campaign.