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Television and Cable

  1. Television is now a largest channel. Messages seen on television bring instant public recognition, and with it very often comes approval of an idea or program.

  1. Television is a highly specialized medium, and messages for showing on television must meet the highest technical and content standards. Some large organizations make their in-house clips. Organizations that do not have the resources of a large corporation use the services of specialized television production and distribution firms.

  1. Because television has both visual and sound components, the script for a television production must be prepared in a split format. The work should be carried out under close control of the client organization. Throughout the conference process, the public relations people must keep the client's aims in mind and assure that the technical peo­ple achieve the desired results. Screenings of the "rough cut" are the final part of that process, with the public relations people telling if everything is right.

  1. Today, some cable services carry dozens or even scores of channels, many of which offer original programming, and some with programs of local or regional interest. More important they may be used to target very specific publics.