черновик пособия

Paper and Typeface

Print on one side only of plain white paper. Double-spacing is standard for news copy, and triple-spacing is not uncommon. In order to conserve the taxpayer's money, some government agencies double-space the first few paragraphs and then single space, on the theory that a rewrite person will rework the information in any case. Keeping the release all on one page also permits the editor to see all of the information at a glance. Use a standard, clean typewriter face or one of the basic computer Fonts for body text. Under no circumstance should script or any informal typeface be used. If your release is for radio use only, you may wish to render it in the quarter-inch-high typeface that is available on special typewriters (18-point on the computer). Use mylar (film) ribbons with typewriter or a laser printer with a personal computer for crispness of type.