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Checklist • Ten Tips for Surviving a Media Interview

1. Develop a brief statement of the company's position on the topic or is­sue. The statement should present the situation in a positive light and have the approval of company management.

2. Identify and coach your spokesperson and others who may be called by the news media. Rehearse them to avoid answers that can be taken out of context, and have them practice aloud, converting tough ques­tions to positive points.

3. Never issue a "no comment" statement.

4. Never lie. Discuss positive actions, but stick to the facts.

5. If you don't know the answer to the question, find out the reporter's deadline and call back with the appropriate information.

6. Never repeat the negative. If a reporter asks a negatively phrased ques­tion and you repeat the negative words, the negative impression will survive long after the facts. Positive responses are best.

7. Use transition techniques to give a straight answer to the question and move the conversation in the direction you desire. Bridge to posi­tive points.

8. Speak in a conversational tone. Avoid jargon, and provide examples or anecdotes to illustrate your points.

9. In television or radio interviews, frame responses in quick bites. Do not provide a lengthy background in order to reach a conclusion.

10. Remain calm, courteous, and cooperative regardless of where the re­porter is headed.