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Symbols, Slogans, and Acronyms

The Red Cross is the best-known humanitarian organization in the world. The name is totally unenlightening, but the symbol is recognized and associated with the care and help given by the organization. Flags are symbols. The Christian cross, the Jewish Star of David, and the Muslim crescent are familiar symbols around the globe. You aren't likely to produce a world-famous symbol, but if at all possible, you should try to find something graphic that helps individualize and identify a given organization. Trademarks and logos are examples, but even unregistered visual symbols can help.

Slogan can be highly persuasive. They state something important in a few memo­rable and easily pronounceable words. If you can coin a slogan that expresses the basic idea of what you are trying to promote, it will help you attain that objective.

Acronyms range from the good and effective to the ridiculous. Coined from the initial letters of the name of some organization or cause, an acronym can in some cases be highly useful. A good acronym is NOW, for the National Organization for Women. It is pronounceable and memorable, and it makes a succinct political point. These women are striving for equality, and they want it "NOW". Another good reason for acronyms is the shortening of a lengthy name. AIDS is much easier to comprehend and write about than "acquired immune deficiency syndrome".