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The Evaluation Stage

A public relations program that is managed strategically should not end when technicians have executed the program. Instead, the objectives of the program should be measured before and after the program to determine if a change has occurred. Practitioners often use "seat-of-the-pants" or informal research methods to evaluate programs, such as using one's previous experience to judge whether a program is going well or listening to a few people - who have participated in a communication program. Ideally, however, public relations should be evaluated formally, and each program should be evaluated as though it were a scientific test of a communication theory.


Public relations practitioners play two roles in the organizations that employ them, either in part or exclusively. Communication managers plan, direct, and evaluate public relations programs. Communication technicians write, edit, make media contacts, produce publications, or use similar techniques of communication.

Organizations need public relations to build relationships with publics that enhance or constrain their ability to pursue a mission and goals. Public relations helps an organization achieve its mission and goals managing communication with these strategic publics. Public relations differs from marketing, which communicates only with the markets—that use the organization's products or services. Public relations communicates with all of the publics that affect or are affected by the organization. Public relations technicians, however, often work in support of marketing objectives as well as public relations objectives

Public relations should be practiced according to the principles of the two-way symmetrical model of public relations or of that model in combination with the two-way asymmetrical model. The press agentry and public information models are ineffective, in large part because they limit public relations to the technical rather than the managerial role Public relations practiced according to the symmetrical model make the organization more responsible to its publics at the same time it makes the organization more effective in achieving its mission. To meet these dual purposes of public relations, however, communication programs must be managed strategically. Strategic management of public relations passes through seven stages and steps: the stakeholder, public, and issues stages and the objectives, planning, implementation and the evaluation stage.

With this overview of public relations theory in mind, we now step down one level of abstraction to specific techniques. First of all we’ll look at general PR activities, those are PR writing, PR speaking and organizing of special events. Under these we’ll discuss how to write press releases, how to give speeches, how to stage a press conference or an exhibition, as well as how to work with mass media.

PR Writing

What does PR Writing include? Press releases, articles, speeches, radio announcements (kits), scripts, brochures.

Good writing is clear, concise, correct, and complete, - the 4C rule.

Clear writing presents ideas logically and explains terms that may be unfamiliar to the reader.

Concise writing takes the shortest path to understanding, using words and sentences that are economical—but not at the expense of style and grace.

Correct writing follows the rules of spelling, grammar, and syntax. It is accurate and does not obscure or bend the truth.

Complete writing does not leave readers unsatisfied or uncertain whether they know all they need to know about the subject.

The style and form of public relations writing differs according to the needs, interests, and capabilities of the target audience.

Writing Guidelines

Before beginning any writing assignment, take the time to ask yourself some key questions.

Answering these questions goes a long way toward helping you determine the content and structure of your message. You should also keep in mind the following techniques and concepts of effective writing.