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Exhibits and Special Events

  1. There are several formal ways you can make person-to-person contact with members of your publics: displays and exhibits, open houses, tours, and the annual meeting.

  1. The first task is to obtain from those in charge of running the show a detailed outline of rules for displays, the available services (including electric power), and the precise dimensions of the space.

  1. There are several things you must think of while preparing for an exhibition:

  1. Most companies, government agencies, and nonprofit orga­nizations that depend on public support regularly open their doors for tours.

  1. While organizing a tour there are several points to consider:

• Timing

• Invitations

• Transportation and parking

• Comfort and services

• Greeting

• Gifts

• Publicity

• Refreshments

  1. Any incorporated organization must, according to its bylaws and the rules of the state in which it was incorporated, hold an annual meeting for the purpose of electing the board of directors and approving the financial report.

  1. While arranging an annual meeting one should think of:

  1. Anniversaries, whether the twenty-fifth, fiftieth, or one-hundredth, give your organization a good reason to point with pride to its history and accomplishments.