Lyalko S

3.Interpret the following in English:

  • a)to overlap b)to stem from c) major advances occur d)to be freed of ties e) to anticipate the effects f) the validity of sense perception g) laws of cause and effect h)supposedly [sq'pqVzIdlI] i) suffering and evil j) calculus ['kxlkjVlqs] k)extent l) innate ideas m)to trace n) certain patterns o) to assure human well-being p) to bring about a synthesis of rationalism and empiricism q)to experience r)to predict s) a new kind of perfection and excellence t) capacity(ability,faculty) u) feelings of despair and of separation v) traditional values no longer govern w) the principle of verifiability ["verIfaIq'bIlItI]

  • 4.Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following words and word combinations: renaissance [rI'neIs(q)ns]; intellectual reawakening; to stress; the advancement of learning; a new world of culture and leisure ;premise; a secure foundation; persistent consideration; to derive; to justify the ways of God to humanity; to be perceived; a consistent skepticism; an apparent idea; scriptural ['skrIptS(q)rql] revelation ;the principles of toleration; a critical account; atheist ['eITIIst]; to motivate and discipline ['dIsIplIn]; the subjection of smb; arbitrarily ['Q:bItrqrIlI]; to challenge any form of metaphysical thinking

  • Yandex.RTB R-A-252273-3
    Yandex.RTB R-A-252273-4