Lyalko S

IV. Give a brief talk on one of the following topics:

  • 1. Confucianism as a system of ethical principles for the management of society.

  • 2. Socrates and his question-and-answer method of teaching as a means of achieving self-knowledge.

  • 3. Plato’s dialogues and his intention to show the rational relationship between the soul, the state, and the cosmos.

  • 4. Aristotle's work is the basis of medieval scholasticism.

  • 5. Zeno of Citium and his strict ethical doctrine.

  • 6. Cicero, the greatest Roman orator, a stoical philosopher. His mastery of Latin prose.

  • 7. Marcus Aurelius- Roman emperor and philosopher. His spiritual reflections on stoicism.

  • 8. Epictetus and his doctrine of brotherhood.

  • 9. Epicurus and his code of social conduct.

    1. An ancient Greek school of skepticism of Pyrrho of Elis .

    2. Plotinus – the founder of neoplatonism.

    3. St. Augustine's influence on Christianity. His polemics against Manichaeism, Donatism, and Pelagianism.

    4. Peter Lombard and his influence on official Catholic doctrine concerning the sacraments.

    5. Abelard’s system of logic that could be applied to the truths of faith.

    • 15. St.Albertus Magnus and his attempt to reconcile Aristotelianism with Christian thought.

    1. Alexander of Hales – the only franciscan who held a chair of theology at the University of Paris.

    2. Thomas Aquinas - the founder of the system declared (1879) by Pope Leo XIII the official Catholic philosophy.

    3. Roger Bacon, English friar, scientist, and philosopher .

    4. Saint Bonaventure. His writings reconcile Aristotle's learning with Augustinian Christianity.

    5. Robert Grosseteste, English prelate, a founder of the Oxford Franciscan school.

    6. John Duns Scotus, Scottish scholastic philosopher.

    7. William of Ockham, English scholastic philosopher who rejected the reality of universal concepts.

    8. Francis Bacon, a theory of scientific knowledge based on observation and experiment that came to be known as the inductive method.

    9. Rene Descartes, who is regarded as the bridge between scholasticism and all philosophy that followed him.

    10. Baruch Spinoza, whose controversial pantheistic doctrine advocated an intellectual love of God.

    11. Leibniz G.W.; the metaphysical theory that we live in “the best of all possible worlds”.

    12. Sir Isaac Newton- natural philosopher (physicist), considered by many the greatest scientist of all time.

    • 28.John Locke, founder of British empiricism.

    1. George Berkeley's subjective idealism.

    2. David Hume who carried the empiricism of Locke and Berkeley to the logical extreme of radical skepticism.

    • 31.J.J.Rousseau and the theory of the ‘natural man’.

    • 32. Voltaire and the French Enlightenment.

    1. Denis Diderot was enormously influential in shaping the rationalist thought of the 18th century.

    2. Immanuel Kant, his system of ethics based on the categorical imperative.

    • 35.Hegel and his supposition that truth is reached by a continuing dialectic.

    1. Karl Marx, German philosopher, economist, and revolutionary.

    • 37.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, an individualistic moralist rather than a systematic philosopher.

    1. Jeremy Bentham, who systematically analyzed law and legislation, thereby laying the foundations of utilitarianism.

    • 39.John Stuart Mill and his interpretations of empiricism and utilitarianism.

    1. Jean-Paul Sartre, a leading exponent of existentialism.

    2. Edmund Husserl, founder of phenomenology.

    3. William James - a founder of pragmatism and the psychological movement of functionalism.

    4. John Dewey, american philosopher and educator .

    5. Bertrand Russell and his profound influence on the development of symbolic logic, logical positivism,and the set theory of mathematics.

    6. Ludwig Wittgenstein and his contribution to the philosophy of language.