Lyalko S

2.Interpret the following in English:

  • a) government ['gAv(q)nmqnt] (уряд) = The agency or apparatus through which an individual or a body that governs exercises authority and performs its functions.

  • b) various ['ve(q)rIqs] (різний) = 1.a. Of diverse kinds: for various reasons. b. Unlike; different. 2.Being more than one; several. 3. Many-sided; versatile: a person of various skills.Having a variegated nature or appearance. Being an individual or separate member of a class or group: The various reports all agreed. 6. Archaic. Changeable; variable. Several different individuals.

  • Usage Note: Various is sometimes used as a pronoun, as in He spoke to various of the members. It is not clear why this usage should be regarded as an error, since it is supported by analogy to the uses of quantifiers such as few, many, and several.

    1. science ['saIqns] (наука) = 1.a. The observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation f phenomena. b. Such activities restricted to a class of natural phenomena. c. Such activities applied to an object of inquiry or study. Methodological activity, discipline, or study.

    2. raw material [rO: mq'tI(q)rIql] (необроблений, сирий матеріал = Unprocessed material of any kind: These data are the raw material for the analysis.