Lyalko S

2. Read and translate the text. The Branches of Philosophy

Philosophic inquiry can be made into any subject because philosophy deals with everything in the world and all of knowledge. But traditionally, and for purposes of study, philosophy is divided into five branches, each organized around certain distinctive questions. The branches are (1) metaphysics, (2) epistemology, (3) logic, (4) ethics, and (5) aesthetics. In addition, the philosophy of language has become so important during the 1900's that it is often considered another branch of philosophy.

Metaphysics is the study of the fundamental nature of reality and existence and of the essences of things. Metaphysics is itself often divided into two areas--ontology and cosmology. Ontology is the study of being. Cosmology is the study of the physical universe, or the cosmos, taken as a whole. Cosmology is also the name of the branch of science that studies the organization, history, and future of the universe.

Metaphysics deals with such questions as "What is real?" "What is the distinction between appearance and reality?" "What are the most general principles and concepts by which our experiences can be interpreted and understood?" and "Do we possess free will or are our actions determined by causes over which we have no control?"

Philosophers have developed a number of theories in metaphysics. These theories include materialism, idealism, mechanism, and teleology. Materialism maintains that only matter has real existence and that feelings, thoughts, and other mental phenomena are produced by the activity of matter. Idealism states that every material thing is an idea or a form of an idea. In idealism, mental phenomena are what is fundamentally important and real. Mechanism maintains that all happenings result from purely mechanical forces, not from purpose, and that it makes no sense to speak of the universe itself as having a purpose. Teleology, on the other hand, states that the universe and everything in it exists and occurs for some purpose.

3.Interpret the following in English:

a) for purposes of study b) branches c) distinctive d) essences of things e) being f) distinction g) mental phenomena

h) purely mechanical forces

4.Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following words and word combinations :

fundamental nature of reality; to take as a whole; the universe;

appearance and reality; determined by causes; to possess free will ;

the activity of matter; to result; to state; to occur for some purpose .

5. Find in the text English equivalents of the following words and phrases .Use them in sentences of your own and situations from the text:

  1. мати вільне волевиявлення

  2. суто механістичні сили

  3. розумове (психічне ) явище

  4. матеріальний (об'єктивно-реальний) всесвіт

  5. відбуватися як наслідок чогось

  6. брати в цілому

  7. бути визначеним (обумовленим ) причинами

  8. сутності речей

6. Make up a plan of the text in the form of statements (5 points).

7.Answer the following questions:

  1. What branches is philosophy traditionally divided into ?

  2. What differs ontology from cosmology ?

  3. What does metaphysics deal with ?

  4. How many theories are included into metaphysics ? Enumerate them .

  5. How do materialism and idealism consider mental phenomena ?

  6. What ’s the main contradiction between mechanism and teleology ?

8. Look through the text and write out the key philosophical terms.

Give their definitions .

9. Retell the text : a) in detail b) in brief .

10. Write an annotation of the text.

11. Write 5 questions covering the basic points of the text .