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Lyalko S

4.Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following words and word combinations:

  • to flourish; to identify the fundamental substance; to cause natural

  • events; to be engaged in philosophic discussion; virtue; to pursue

  • an argument; to fleet; to serve humanity; to perish at death; to fulfill ;

  • to carry out the purpose; first cause; ultimate explanation of existence ;

  • cowardice and foolhardiness; to enable a person to do smth; strict

  • determinism; to be fated; calm and moderate pleasures; accurate

  • knowledge; a revived version; a unity--a oneness--with God;

  • blessedness ['blesIdnIs]( eudaemonia ["ju:dI'mqVnIq] , felicity );

  • to yearn [jE:n] ( to long , to crave ); mystical experience;