The ancient despotic empires of Egypt, Sumer, Assyria, Persia, and Macedonia were followed by the rise of Greek city-states, the first self-governing communities. Greek philosopher Aristotle distinguished three categories of government: monarchy, government by a single individual; aristocracy, government by a few; and democracy, government by many. Ancient Rome introduced the principle that constitutional law, establishing the sovereignty of the state, is superior to ordinary law.
After the fall of Rome, the Holy Roman Empire kept alive the Roman concept of a universal dominion during the Middle Ages (5th century to 15th century), retarding the development of national governments in Europe. However, the struggle of feudal barons to limit the power of their monarchs contributed to the development of representative government. The emergence of national governments in the 16th century is attributed to the great expansion in trade and manufacturing that made the creation of large political units necessary.
The modern nation-state was originally almost entirely dynastic and autocratic. However, in time, the middle class began to demand constitutional and representative government. In England, the Glorious Revolution in 1688 restricted the power of the monarch and established the preeminence of Parliament. This tendency culminated in the American Revolution (1775) and the French Revolution (1789), marking the rise of modern democratic government.
In the 19th century and part of the 20th century, the political base of government broadened through the extension of voting rights and other reforms. In addition, the concept developed that government should administer public and social services. Other developments of the 20th century included the appearance of totalitarian governments in a number of countries.
Great Seal of the United States, official seal of the United States government. It is two-sided, with an obverse and a reverse. Its design was adopted by the Congress of the Confederation in 1782. The seal now appears on a variety of documents, including presidential proclamations.
On the obverse of the seal is an American eagle with wings spread. On its breast the eagle bears a shield with 13 vertical red and white stripes surmounted by a horizontal stripe of blue. In its beak is a scroll inscribed with the Latin motto Epluribus unum ("From many, one"). A cluster of 13 five-pointed stars appears above the eagle.
A pyramid is the central figure of the reverse side. The base of the pyramid is inscribed with the date 1776 in Roman numerals. At the zenith of the pyramid appears the all-seeing eye of Divine Providence. The mottos Annuit coeptis ("He has smiled on our undertakings") and Novus ordo seclorum ("New order of the ages") are inscribed on this side.
Habeas Corpus ["heIbIqs'kO:pqs] лат. юр. розпорядження про притягнення арештованого до суду (особливо для розгляду питання щодо законності його арешту; тж. writ of habeas corpus)
Habeas Corpus Act – Хабеас Корпус (англійський закон 1679 г. про недоторканість особистості) refers usually to a writ(ордер) of habeas corpus, an order by a judge requiring the police to bring an arrested person into court. The court then decides if there is good reason to hold the prisoner.
Impeachment is an official charge by a legislative body accusing a government official of being unworthy of office. Impeachment, in the United States and the United Kingdom, proceeding by a legislature for the removal from office of a public official charged with misconduct in office. Impeachment comprises both the act of formulating the accusation and the resulting trial of the charges. The Constitution of the United States gives explicit directions for conducting impeachments.
The House of Representatives conducts the impeachment before the Senate, which serves as a court to try the official. The vice president presides over the impeachment, except in the case of an impeachment of the president, when the chief justice of the United States presides. A two-thirds majority vote of the senators present at an impeachment trial is necessary to secure conviction.In 1868 President Andrew Johnson was impeached on charges of defying the authority of Congress and of violating a federal law. Johnson was acquitted.
In 1974 President Richard M. Nixon was charged with obstructing justice, abusing his constitutional authority, and failing to obey the committee's subpoenas. Nixon resigned and the House took no further action. Impeachment procedure for states is modeled on that of the federal Constitution and has been infrequently invoked.
Imperialism [Im'pI(q)rIqlIz(q)m] is the policy or action by which one country controls another country or territory.
Initiative and Referendum are actions that allow voters a certain amount of direct control over lawmaking. Through the initiative, the voters can introduce a law. Through the referendum, a proposed law is put up to the voters for approval or disapproval.
Isolationism, ["aIsq'leIS(q)nIz(q)m] former United States foreign policy advocating the avoidance of alliances with other nations in order to maintain freedom of action in world affairs.
- Lyalko s.V. Philosophy and Political Science
- Contents
- Part II
- General philosophy overview part I
- 1. Listen to the text and give the gist of the text in writing.
- 2. Read and translate the text. Preface
- Unit II
- 1. Listen to the text and give the gist of the text in writing.
- 2. Read and translate the text. The Importance of Philosophy
- Unit III
- 1. Listen to the text and give the gist of the text in writing.
- 2. Read and translate the text. The Branches of Philosophy
- Unit IV
- 1. Listen to the text and give the gist of the text in writing.
- 2. Read and translate the text.
- Unit V
- 1. Listen to the text and give the gist of the text in writing.
- 2. Read and translate the text.
- 3.Interpret the following in English:
- 4.Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following words and word combinations:
- 5. Find in the text English equivalents of the following words and phrases .Use them in sentences of your own and situations from the text:
- 6. Make up a plan of the text in the form of statements (8 points).
- 7.Answer the following questions:
- Unit VI
- 1. Listen to the text and give the gist of the text in writing.
- 2. Read and translate the text. Philosophy and Other Fields
- 3.Interpret the following in English:
- 5. Find in the text English equivalents of the following words and phrases .Use them in sentences of your own and situations from the text:
- 6. Make up a plan of the text in the form of statements (7 points).
- 7.Answer the following questions:
- Unit VII
- 1. Listen to the text and give the gist of the text in writing.
- 2. Read and translate the text. Oriental Philosophy
- 3.Interpret the following in English:
- 4.Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following words and word combinations:
- 5.Find in the text English equivalents of the following words and phrases:
- 6. Make up a plan of the text in the form of statements (5 points).
- 7.Answer the following questions:
- Unit VIII
- 1. Listen to the text and give the gist of the text in writing.
- 2. Read and translate the text.
- The History of Western Philosophy
- Ancient philosophy
- 3.Interpret the following in English:
- 4.Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following words and word combinations:
- 5. Find in the text English equivalents of the following words and phrases .Use them in sentences of your own and situations from the text:
- 6. Make up a plan of the text in the form of statements (9 points).
- 7.Answer the following questions:
- Unit IX
- 1. Listen to the text and give the gist of the text in writing.
- 2. Read and translate the text.
- Medieval Philosophy.
- 3.Interpret the following in English:
- 4.Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following words and word combinations :
- 5. Find in the text English equivalents of the following words and phrases .Use them in sentences of your own and situations from the text:
- 6. Make up a plan of the text in the form of statements (8 points).
- 7.Answer the following questions:
- Unit X
- 1. Listen to the text and give the gist of the text in writing.
- 2. Read and translate the text.
- Modern Philosophy
- Philosophy in the 1800's
- 3.Interpret the following in English:
- 5. Find in the text English equivalents of the following words and phrases .Use them in sentences of your own and situations from the text:
- 6. Make up a plan of the text in the form of statements (10 points).
- 7.Answer the following questions:
- Problematic Revision Questions
- To The Whole Textual Material
- In Friedrich Nietzsche's thought, who was the superman?
- Terms Used in Philosophy
- Biographies in chronological order. (units VII – X)
- Material for rendering and discussion
- Study the texts and retell them.
- Render biographies in Ukrainian.
- Put all types of questions to each text.
- The life of Marx
- Marx's writings
- Marx's theories
- Marx today
- IV. Give a brief talk on one of the following topics:
- List Of Proper Names
- Cue Cards
- Additional resources
- Read and translate the text.
- 2.Interpret the following in English:
- 3.Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following words and word combinations:
- 4. Find in the text English equivalents of the following words and phrases .Use them in sentences of your own and situations from the text:
- 5. Read the following statements and decide which of them are true (t) or false (f):
- 6. Choose the correct word(s).
- 7. Match each word in the left-hand column with the best meaning in the right-hand column. Place the letter of the best definition in the space provided.
- 8. Make up a plan of the text in the form of statements (5 points).
- 9. Recompose the chain of the 3 components (ternary ['tE:nqrI]):
- 10. Retell the text : a) in detail b) in brief .
- 11. Answer the following questions:
- Unit II
- 1. Read and translate the text.
- Early History
- Development in the United States
- Contemporary Political Science
- 2.Interpret the following in English (on your own):
- 3. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following words and word combinations:
- 4. Find in the text English equivalents of the following words nd phrases. Use them in sentences of your own and situations from the text:
- 5. Read the following statements and decide which of them are true (t) or false (f):
- 6. Choose the correct word(s).
- 7. Match each word with its definition.Write the letter of the definition on the line.
- 8. Make up a plan of the text in the form of statements (5 points).
- 9. Match up the pairs of synonyms correspondingly.
- 10. Retell the text : a) in detail b) in brief .
- 11. Answer the following questions:
- Unit III
- 1.Read and translate the text.
- Political Theory
- 2. Study the following phrases. Recall the sentences in which they are used in the text. Use them when retelling the unit.
- 3. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following words and word combinations:
- 4. Find in the text English equivalents of the following words and phrases .Use them in sentences of your own and situations from the text:
- 5. Read the following statements and decide which of them are true (t) or false (f):
- 6. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word in the correct form; largely; property; to evaluate; can; to inspire; to be regarded; according to Marx; to distort; to seek; subject .
- 7. Match each word with its definition.Write the letter of the definition on the line.
- 8. Make up a plan of the text in the form of statements (5 points).
- 9. Recompose the chain of the 3 components (ternary ['tE:nqrI]):
- 10. Retell the text : a) in detail b) in brief .
- 11. Answer the following questions:
- Unit IV
- 1.Read and translate the text.
- Fields Of Political Science
- 2. Study the following phrases. Recall the sentences in which they are used in the text. Use them when retelling the unit.
- 3. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following words and word combinations:
- 4. Find in the text English equivalents of the following words and phrases .Use them in sentences of your own and situations from the text:
- 5. Read the following statements and decide which of them are true (t) or false (f):
- 6. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word in the correct form. To make (2); to consider; to influence; task; to study (2); to have.
- 7. Give as many synonyms as possible to the following words and phrases:
- 8. Make up a plan of the text in the form of statements (5 points).
- 9. Match up the pairs of "synonyms – antonyms" correspondingly:
- 10. Retell the text: a) in detail b) in brief.
- 11.Think about these questions and be ready to discuss them using information from the reading:
- Unit V
- 1.Read and translate the text.
- The Development of Political Science
- Unit VI
- 1.Read and translate the text.
- Government
- Elements of Government
- Unit VII
- 1.Read and translate the text.
- The Scope of Government
- Unit VIII
- 1.Read and translate the text.
- Who Governs?
- Unit IX
- 1.Read and translate the text.
- Public Relations
- Unit X
- 1.Read and translate the text.
- Diplomacy
- Biographies (in the order of the Units)
- Early Years
- La Vita Nuova
- Dante's Political Life
- Last Years
- The Divine Comedy
- Influence and Inspiration
- Important Note ! All other biographies are available in
- Lyalko s.V. "General Philosophy Overview",Kyiv, 2001.
- Some Notions Used In Political Science.
- Government and Political Terms
- (In alphabetical order)["xlfq'betIk(q)l]:
- Beginnings of Modern Capitalism
- The Rise of Industrialization
- 20Th-Century Capitalism
- History
- The United States Census
- The Census Today
- History of City Planning
- Modern City Planning
- The ussr and Eastern Europe
- Western Europe
- The Western Hemisphere
- History of Diplomacy
- Departments of Foreign Affairs
- Foreign Missions
- Diplomatic Conventions
- Voting Rights
- Voter Participation
- Voter Registration
- Electoral Systems
- Types of Elections
- Redistricting
- Early Electoral Reform in the United States
- Voting Rights
- Reapportionment and Redistricting
- Campaign Financing
- The Gathering of Intelligence
- History of Espionage
- Implications of Modern Technology
- Espionage in Politics and Industry
- Origins
- Italy Under Fascism
- Fascism Elsewhere
- Jurisdiction
- Activities
- Classifications
- History
- Origins
- The World Wars
- Postwar Policies
- Humanism
- Modern Liberalism
- Liberalism in Transition
- Economics
- 20Th-Century United States
- Rules of Neutrality
- Alternatives to Neutrality
- Commons and Lords
- History
- Party Systems
- Organization and Structure of Political Parties
- History of Political Parties
- Methods and Techniques
- Criticisms of the Research
- History
- International Aid
- Republican Theories
- Republics in History
- Retirement, Disability, Death, and Medicare Benefits
- Unemployment Compensation
- Other Programs
- Origins
- Organization
- The un and Trade and Development
- The un and World Peace
- The Role of the un
- American Suffrage Movement
- British Suffrage Movement
- Suffrage in Other Countries
- Additional resources: