Anne Gregory

A sponsorship example

Most of the questions above relate to a sponsorship decision, since this requires a mutually beneficial partnership. To illustrate the point, let us consider the sponsorship by British Aerospace (BAe) of the Ribchester Festival of Music and Art.

This arts sponsorship fits in with BAe’s business plan objectives, since it is a quality regional sponsorship and arts is one of the company’s seven community involvement focus areas. Support for the festival enhances BAe’s reputation, since it ensures that international musicians can be attracted, which without the sponsor’s financial backing, would prove beyond the Festival’s means. Furthermore, because of the unique venue (an 800-year-old church), it receives a high public profile and is popular with the musicians.

The Festival enjoys an enviable reputation, reflected by the quality of performers who appear. This leads to sell-out concerts and through a negotiated sponsorship package, the opportunity to give BAe’s employees preferential treatment in applying for much sought-after tickets.

Good corporate hospitality opportunities exist and are utilized in this idyllic rural setting. As a result, guests are delighted to be invited to attend and readily accept the opportunity to attend a festival which has been described as the ‘Glyndebourne of the North’.

The sponsor is actively involved in the sponsorship, contributing both cash and sponsorship in kind. All publicity material is devised and printed by the sponsor’s graphics department and an active interest is taken in all publicity aspects.

The sponsorship has received matched government funding through an Association of Business Sponsorship of the Arts (ABSA) backed award. ABSA aims to encourage companies to support the arts by highlighting the benefits other companies have achieved through their arts sponsorship programme. As a result of gaining the award, BAe’s sponsorship is certainly viewed as value for money.

Evaluation measures are based on feedback from corporate guests, employees (for example, if they have attended as part of a reward and recognition scheme), attendees and associated media coverage.

Overall the partnership is perceived as an excellent project which has the potential to be developed, in this case, to take opera, as well as internationally renowned classical musicians to an idyllic rural setting surrounding several of BAe’s principal sites.

Yandex.RTB R-A-252273-3
Yandex.RTB R-A-252273-4