II. Say what the following refer to in the text of the article under the headlines:
How do you know it works?
… this … (para 1, line 10)
… they … (para 1, line 11)
The trade press
This … (para 2, line 5)
Getting it right
They … (para 8, line 7)
Getting the good news across
… it … (para 2, line 8)
… it … (para 7, line 8 )
Match the following definitions with the word-combinations below.
Complete the words.
1. Can you give us a q ____ for the whole job?
2. They've completely ruined the tourist t ____ for the next few years.
3. C ______ crimes have been recently committed in several city districts.
4. You can see live c _______ of England’s game against France.
5. Morale among child-care workers is low, and t _______ is more than 40 %.
6. It is the l___ on all today’s front pages.
7. VW became one of the West’s i_________ in auto making.
8. Each of its factories operates on a s ____-a____ basis.
9. Over three billion items of d ____ m ___ were sent through the post last year.
10. N __________ were sent to heads of department individually.
11. The magazine has a largely male r _________.
12. J ____ s _____ are slightly shocking but interesting or fun to listen to.
13. The situation remains f ____.
14. The whole audience instead of being mute became v ________.
Translate the following word-combinations from Russian into English consulting the article.
Профессиональная печать; освещение события (в печати, по радио и т.п.); реклама, рассылаемая по почте; информационный бюллетень; цена, стоимость; конкурент-подражатель; круг читателей; текучесть кадров; передовица (в прессе); независимая кампания; новатор, рационализатор; признавать что-л. только на словах; пикантный анекдот; нестабильная ситуация; громогласный; предварительная работа со СМИ.
Translate the following sentences from Russian into English using active vocabulary.
Профессиональная пресса зачастую является стартовой точкой в карьере для многих журналистов, и текучесть кадров среди молодых сотрудников является ожидаемой.
Существует множество историй о том, как журналисты находили идеи для своих передовиц в профессиональных газетах, оставленных в автобусах или поездах.
В прошлом было трудно быстро реагировать на небольшие заметки о рекламе по почте в местных средствах массовой информации.
Сколько автолюбителей тридцать лет назад могли предположить, что придет день, когда они смогут просто набрать бесплатный номер и немедленно получить информацию о стоимости страховки их автомобиля?
По его мнению, информационные бюллетени – это безнадежное дело, последнее прибежище людей, лишенных идей.
Даже в этом случае на каждого новатора вскоре появятся полдюжины конкурентов-подражателей, готовых ослабить его позиции.
Direct Mail Matersудавалось в течение двух лет сохранять круг преданных читателей.
Продвижение вперед может приостановиться в результате серии плохих сообщений в печати и весьма негативного освещения события.
Сейчас она превратилась в независимую кампанию, помогающую продвижению рекламы по почте.
Вполне очевидно, что если служба по работе с покупателями существует только на словах, немногое будет достигнуто.
Пикантный анекдот не перестанет быть таковым даже на фоне дня, насыщенного новостями.
Ситуация может быть очень нестабильной и способной измениться в любую минуту, поскольку СМИ ищут новых ракурсов подачи информации.
Сегодня покупатели громче, чем когда-либо выражают своё мнение.
В таких условиях PRмогут помочь, проводя предварительную работу со СМИ.
Give the bilateral translation of the following dialogue.
Является ли широкое освещение в профессиональной печати показателем верного партнёрства компаний? – Business to business trade press coverage can be a fickle thing and is unlikely to give a clear vision of just what customers think.
Какие факторы могут способствовать успеху, если компании необходимо сделать неприятное сообщение? – First, timing is going to be very important but it is rarely going to be absolutely right.
Как определить, достигла ли компания поставленных целей? – Don’t just track media coverage, establish measurement techniques that find out what customers really think – talk to them.
Translate the following text from English into Russian.
Business in the 21st century is the most admired and influential institution and the most mistrusted. Business has become the dominant institution of our times. However, with all the benefits that its power and influence can offer, business has become the least trusted institution in society. Trying to create corporate citizenship as a business essential within this situation remains an uphill battle unless the very paradox of this position is better understood and remedies are taken. Mistrust will always trump any citizenship programs or communications, however sincere they may be.
Companies are expected to comply with the law and are ultimately judged on how they deliver on the spirit of the law. Much emphasis is placed on the compliance aspect of corporate citizenship, as evidenced by offices set up in the areas of ethics, environment, health and safety. This paradox involves differentiating between the spirit and letter of the law. Of course, compliance is important, but be aware that most stakeholders are judging citizenship by how well a company manages against the spirit of the law. No company has ever complied itself to excellence; creating a culture where the spirit is as critical as the law is an ongoing challenge in leading companies.
Corporate citizenship has to be managed within a global context and operationalized on the local level. Corporate citizenship is clearly a global issue. Supply chains, the easy flow of capital, and the internet guarantee the global nature of doing business for both small businesses and large multinationals alike. At the same time, to paraphrase a great American politician, all citizenship is local. The execution and implementation of citizenship occurs every day in every location and involves every employee. Risks and opportunities to the business are more likely to occur on the local level, yet have implications across the globe. Managing both the local and the global is critical to the business and a paradox for those responsible.
Corporate citizenship operates within a short term business model and is focused primarily on environmental and social issues that are long term in nature. While the contemporary business model is structured along short term returns to the market, corporate citizenship confronts issues that are anything but short term, from climate change to education. Holding both short and long term perspectives is a challenge at best, and more often resembles a clash of cultures.
(Bradley K. Googins.Living with Paradox. May 2007http://www.bcccc.net/index.cfm?fuseaction=Page.viewPage&pageID=1675)
Translate the following text from Russian into English.
С состоявшимися инвесторами и акционерами компания поддерживает дружественные отношения. Что это значит? Вы поздравляете их с праздниками: днями рождения, национальными, государственными, корпоративными праздниками; вы держите их в курсе всех значительных событий компании. Вы должны предоставлять информацию о достижениях компании, о подписании договоров, о предстоящих встречах и результатах этих встреч и т.д. Инвесторы и акционеры должны чувствовать, что вы их достаточно информируете, – тогда вы укрепите доверие со стороны этих групп.
Партнёрами компании сегодня называют чуть ли ни каждого. С одной стороны, это повышает статус такого партнёра в его собственных глазах и мотивирует его дальнейшее сотрудничество с вами, с другой стороны, такой подход затрудняет универсализацию работы с группой «Партнёры и компании», так как информацию приходится строго фильтровать в зависимости от отношений сотрудничества.
В крупных компаниях такого, конечно, не происходит, хотя и там к каждому партнёру подбирается свой индивидуальный подход.
Собственно ничего нового в работе с этой группой нет. Вам нужно информировать партнёров о своих слияниях в целях привлечения, допустим, новых партнёров. Информация, рассылаемая партнёрам, отличается от предыдущей тем, что носит более рекламный характер. То есть вы сообщаете ту информацию, которая способна продлить или возобновить партнёрские отношения. И только такую.
(Беленкова А.А. PRостой пиар. – М.: НТ Пресс, 2006. С. 178)
Summarize the article “Business to Business Public Relations”.
Solve the following PR problem.
DuPont is a well known chemicals company which is in the midst of its major transformation to a broader science company, requiring a significant perception change in the market place. Research has shown that DuPont brand equity has been slipping over the years.
As a PR practitioner design a communications and media outreach programme to increase awareness of DuPont brand as well as its products and services.
Unit 7
- Ильина о.К., Тычинский а.А.
- Предисловие
- Методическая записка
- Content
- Marketing communication
- The role of public relations in the marketing mix
- Public relations planning in the marketing mix
- Marketing integration
- Campaign development
- Diagnosing the solution
- Product launches
- Improving brand equity
- Public Relations in the future marketing mix
- Step-by step planning process
- Exercises
- I. Discuss the following questions.
- II. Say what the following refer to in the text of the article under the headlines:
- Marketing integration
- III. Match the following definitions with the word-combinations below.
- IV. Complete the words.
- Internal communication
- Why communicate?
- What do people want to know?
- Some communication techniques
- Communication and leadership: the bp Oil experience
- Background
- Preparing the ground
- Creating the right attitude
- 1 The right attitude (see Figure 2.2)
- Attitude Technique Talent
- 2 The communication road map
- 3 The good communicator
- 4 The head office communication forum
- The virtuous circle
- Link with human resources
- Where is bp Oil now?
- Exercises
- II. Say what the following refer to in the text of the article under the headlines:
- IX. Translate the following text from Russian into English.
- (Виктория Чупровская. Внутренний pr способен решить коммуникативные проблемы в компании. Www.Prlink.Ru)
- Сommunity relations
- Background
- What is community relations?
- Why bother?
- Methods used in a community relations programme
- One piece in the jigsaw
- Research
- Strategic objectives
- Project selection criteria
- A sponsorship example
- Donations policy
- How can the project be developed?
- Measurement and evaluation criteria
- Business benefits of the programme
- Employee participation in the community involvement programme
- Why bother involving your employees?
- How do you know that the programme is a success?
- Internationalising the programme
- Future developments
- Conclusion
- Exercises
- I. Discuss the following questions.
- II. Say what the following refer to in the text of the article under the headlines:
- IV. Complete the words.
- V. Translate the following word-combinations from Russian into English consulting the article.
- Financial public relations
- How do you define financial public relations?
- The basic task
- Corporate public relations
- What contribution does financial public relations make to the success of a company?
- What are the rules that govern financial public relations?
- Why has this business become such a major industry?
- Investor relations – Is it public?
- Coordination and consistency
- A time to speak and time to remain silent
- How does it fit in with other areas of public relations?
- In-house or consultancy?
- Vickers plc – a very brief case study
- Conclusion
- A checklist
- Exercises
- Corporate public relations
- Vickers plc – a very brief case study
- VIII. Translate the following text from English into Russian.
- IX. Translate the following text from Russian into English.
- X. Summarize the article “Financial Public Relations”.
- XI. Solve the following pr problem.
- Local government and government relations
- Why central and local government matter
- Effective public affairs
- Defining public affairs
- Central and local government
- Government
- Members
- Local government
- Gaining access
- Case studies
- Bail Bandits – a campaign to change the law
- The execution
- Trident – battle of the dockyards
- Key points
- Exercises
- Business to business public relations by Nigel Lawrence
- The customer rules
- How do you know it works?
- The trade press
- Getting it right
- Being prepared
- Getting the good news across
- Joining forces
- Conclusion
- Exercises
- II. Say what the following refer to in the text of the article under the headlines:
- Public relations for non-commercial organizations
- The mission
- Not-for-profit pr
- The public presence
- Partnership – the sum is greater …
- Provision of services
- Involvement of interested parties
- Case studies – the human face
- Aims, objectives and realization
- Checklist for a successful campaign
- Exercises
- II. Say what the following refer to in the text of the article under the headlines:
- Involvement of interested parties
- III. Match the following definitions with the word-combinations below.
- VI. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English using active vocabulary.
- VII. Translate the following text from English into Russian.
- Sponsorship
- Definition of sponsorship
- What makes a successful sponsorship?
- Do’s and don’ts of sponsorship
- The sponsorship package
- Sponsorship package checklist
- The public relations agency agenda
- Exercises
- II. Say what the following refer to in the text of the article under the headlines:
- The sponsorship package
- III. Match the following definitions with the word-combinations below.
- IV. Complete the words.
- V. Translate the following word-combinations from Russian into English consulting the article.
- Environmental public relations
- Be aware of public concerns
- Chemicals industry – in the limelight
- The Rhône-Poulenc initiative
- Changing public perceptions
- Putting the case for recycling
- Looking to the future
- Exercises
- II. Say what the following refer to in the text of the article under the headlines:
- III. Match the following definitions with the word-combinations below.
- IV. Complete the words.
- (Dorothy Seed. Global warming changes attitudes to nuclear power / Behind The SpinPublic Relations. Http://publicsphere.Typepad.Com/behindthespin/2006/11)
- Glossary a