Changing public perceptions
With heightened public interest over things environmental it is often necessary for public relations to play an explanatory role to turn round sometimes misguided media criticism of a company’s actions. A good example of this is a highly successful campaign to rid the North Yorks Moors of bracken, thereby restoring this extensive tract of land to its natural state.
Bracken is a pernicious and potentially deadly weed which harbours ticks that can be damaging to both sheep and other livestock. It is also believed to be carcinogenic – an issue on which extensive research continues. Because bracken has deep roots which spread the weed at an alarming rate, the only effective way of ridding hilly terrain of bracken is by aerial spraying with a chemical called Asulam.
Although fairly benign when compared to other agrochemicals, Asulam is subject to the same strict legislation affecting residue levels in water courses and rivers. This means that its application by aeroplane and helicopter must be carefully handled – particularly since aerial spraying is also highly emotive issue with ramblers and local inhabitants.
As the manufacturer of Asulam, Rhône-Poulenc has taken considerable trouble over many years to explain to local people why spraying is necessary: via liaison meeting with the relevant environmental control bodies – the Environment Agency and local government – and by placing articles in the media explaining the long-term environmental benefits that will result in ridding the moors of bracken. Now heather is beginning to replace the bracken – providing the most effective evidence of the wisdom of this approach, which although controversial in the short term, has led to widely acknowledged long-term environmental benefits.
A similar concern for public acceptance faces property and development companies which wisely pay considerable attention to the views of local residents and local authorities before they proceed with major building or refurbishment projects. Many developers have enormous problems during the planning stages by ignoring the public’s point of view. Often, by canvassing local opinion in advance and explaining the benefits of what is proposed, costly misunderstandings and delays during the planning process can be avoided. Effective public consultation can be achieved by undertaking research, holding public exhibitions at which plans can be explained to visitors and generating positive editorial in local media.
Increasingly, companies and government bodies are expected to have undertaken environmental audits to measure the impact new factories, roads and housing developments will have on the flora and fauna in the area. Indeed, legislation is now often demanding such studies as a prerequisite for planning approval.
In these circumstances the public relations adviser has a key role to play in order to explain the benefits of development versus any negative environmental impacts. They can also advise on the sensitivities of local environmental issues and on initiatives to offset negative reactions by providing an environmental gain, eg funding a nature reserve, stocking the river with fish and so on.
Public desire to preserve the world’s natural resources is key to the environmental debate and the focus of much of the work by pressure groups such as Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace. In the case of the Brent Spar oil rig, Greenpeace was not just taking issue over the potential environmental harm caused by sea-dumping, but was also arguing for a means of disposal which made use of the recycled steelwork and other reusable parts of the rig in order to preserve natural resources.
- Ильина о.К., Тычинский а.А.
- Предисловие
- Методическая записка
- Content
- Marketing communication
- The role of public relations in the marketing mix
- Public relations planning in the marketing mix
- Marketing integration
- Campaign development
- Diagnosing the solution
- Product launches
- Improving brand equity
- Public Relations in the future marketing mix
- Step-by step planning process
- Exercises
- I. Discuss the following questions.
- II. Say what the following refer to in the text of the article under the headlines:
- Marketing integration
- III. Match the following definitions with the word-combinations below.
- IV. Complete the words.
- Internal communication
- Why communicate?
- What do people want to know?
- Some communication techniques
- Communication and leadership: the bp Oil experience
- Background
- Preparing the ground
- Creating the right attitude
- 1 The right attitude (see Figure 2.2)
- Attitude Technique Talent
- 2 The communication road map
- 3 The good communicator
- 4 The head office communication forum
- The virtuous circle
- Link with human resources
- Where is bp Oil now?
- Exercises
- II. Say what the following refer to in the text of the article under the headlines:
- IX. Translate the following text from Russian into English.
- (Виктория Чупровская. Внутренний pr способен решить коммуникативные проблемы в компании. Www.Prlink.Ru)
- Сommunity relations
- Background
- What is community relations?
- Why bother?
- Methods used in a community relations programme
- One piece in the jigsaw
- Research
- Strategic objectives
- Project selection criteria
- A sponsorship example
- Donations policy
- How can the project be developed?
- Measurement and evaluation criteria
- Business benefits of the programme
- Employee participation in the community involvement programme
- Why bother involving your employees?
- How do you know that the programme is a success?
- Internationalising the programme
- Future developments
- Conclusion
- Exercises
- I. Discuss the following questions.
- II. Say what the following refer to in the text of the article under the headlines:
- IV. Complete the words.
- V. Translate the following word-combinations from Russian into English consulting the article.
- Financial public relations
- How do you define financial public relations?
- The basic task
- Corporate public relations
- What contribution does financial public relations make to the success of a company?
- What are the rules that govern financial public relations?
- Why has this business become such a major industry?
- Investor relations – Is it public?
- Coordination and consistency
- A time to speak and time to remain silent
- How does it fit in with other areas of public relations?
- In-house or consultancy?
- Vickers plc – a very brief case study
- Conclusion
- A checklist
- Exercises
- Corporate public relations
- Vickers plc – a very brief case study
- VIII. Translate the following text from English into Russian.
- IX. Translate the following text from Russian into English.
- X. Summarize the article “Financial Public Relations”.
- XI. Solve the following pr problem.
- Local government and government relations
- Why central and local government matter
- Effective public affairs
- Defining public affairs
- Central and local government
- Government
- Members
- Local government
- Gaining access
- Case studies
- Bail Bandits – a campaign to change the law
- The execution
- Trident – battle of the dockyards
- Key points
- Exercises
- Business to business public relations by Nigel Lawrence
- The customer rules
- How do you know it works?
- The trade press
- Getting it right
- Being prepared
- Getting the good news across
- Joining forces
- Conclusion
- Exercises
- II. Say what the following refer to in the text of the article under the headlines:
- Public relations for non-commercial organizations
- The mission
- Not-for-profit pr
- The public presence
- Partnership – the sum is greater …
- Provision of services
- Involvement of interested parties
- Case studies – the human face
- Aims, objectives and realization
- Checklist for a successful campaign
- Exercises
- II. Say what the following refer to in the text of the article under the headlines:
- Involvement of interested parties
- III. Match the following definitions with the word-combinations below.
- VI. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English using active vocabulary.
- VII. Translate the following text from English into Russian.
- Sponsorship
- Definition of sponsorship
- What makes a successful sponsorship?
- Do’s and don’ts of sponsorship
- The sponsorship package
- Sponsorship package checklist
- The public relations agency agenda
- Exercises
- II. Say what the following refer to in the text of the article under the headlines:
- The sponsorship package
- III. Match the following definitions with the word-combinations below.
- IV. Complete the words.
- V. Translate the following word-combinations from Russian into English consulting the article.
- Environmental public relations
- Be aware of public concerns
- Chemicals industry – in the limelight
- The Rhône-Poulenc initiative
- Changing public perceptions
- Putting the case for recycling
- Looking to the future
- Exercises
- II. Say what the following refer to in the text of the article under the headlines:
- III. Match the following definitions with the word-combinations below.
- IV. Complete the words.
- (Dorothy Seed. Global warming changes attitudes to nuclear power / Behind The SpinPublic Relations. Http://publicsphere.Typepad.Com/behindthespin/2006/11)
- Glossary a