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Anne Gregory


  1. Discuss the following questions.

  1. Why is financial public relations industry growing in size?

  2. How can the scope of financial public relations be defined at its most basic?

  3. What is the basic task of financial public relations?

  4. Why should companies be very focused about the messages with their results which are put out?

  5. Why are corporate and financial public relations associated with Siamese twins?

  6. What contribution does financial public relations make to the success of a company?

  7. What are the rules that govern financial public relations?

  8. Why has financial public relations become a major industry?

  9. What is the place of investor relations in the public relations industry?

  10. Why is consistency of the message so important in financial public relations?

  11. Why is it difficult to be truly open in financial public relations?

  12. How does financial public relations fit in with other areas of public relations?

  13. Which is more helpful in the area of financial public relations – an in-house PR expert or a consultancy PR adviser?

  14. What role did financial public relations play in Vickers’ winning the contract for the Bristol Army’s new main battle tank?

  15. In what way is financial public relations different from other aspects of communication activity?

  1. Say what the following refer to in the text of the article under the headlines:

How do you define financial public relations?

… their … (para 1, line 2)