Кубр Милан Консалтинг

37.6 Learning options available to sole practitioners

To survive and progress in their field, sole consulting practitioners need to continuously improve their competence. Human capital is the sole practitioner’s most precious resource. However, a sole practitioner lacks the knowledge base, training resources, support and interaction with colleagues available in larger consultancies. Conversely, he or she enjoys more freedom and flexibility in choosing clients, moving to new fields of intervention, choosing what and when to learn, and deciding about his or her own future.

There are forces that discourage sole practitioners from spending time and money on self-development. Paradoxically, success and high earnings from current business are the most dangerous enemies. A consultant who is in great demand will be tempted to think that he or she has no reason to worry about future earnings.

Other consultants complain that they lack time for self-development, are too tired after a heavy working week, cannot concentrate on studying in hotel rooms, or must use every free moment to look for new business. These reasons sound quite realistic and understandable. Yet they cannot justify the lack of selfdevelopment in any profession.

If you are a sole practitioner, the following principal options are available to you.


From time to time, or periodically and regularly if you find it easier (but at least once a year), take a short pause, sit back and think about your career path:

Have you defined your life and professional goals?

Are you getting closer to your goals?

Are clients fully satisfied with your work?

Are you satisfied with what you have been doing for your clients?

What have you learned and applied since the last self-assessment?

Do you feel tired, burned out and out of date?

Have you once more continued to do the same without any perspective and further learning?

When assessing motivation for learning and self-development, it is essential to be honest. Ambitious professional goals and a strong will to learn go hand in hand:

Are you motivated enough to work hard for your personal development and professional future?

Do you want to be one of the best experts in your field or are you merely looking for regular income and survival in the business?

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