Кубр Милан Консалтинг

37.4Further training and development of consultants

In management consulting lifelong education is a must. This idea is not new. Many consultancy firms have gained and maintained their excellent reputation precisely because of their continual efforts to upgrade staff competence.

Principal directions of consultants’ development

Most staff development activities in consulting firms fall under one or more of the following five areas.

Upgrading functional proficiency. Keeping abreast of developments and becoming more knowledgeable and competent in their own field together form the basis of operating consultants’ further development. Many training and development activities in consulting firms are geared to this objective.

Mastering new fields. Consultants may learn new subjects complementary to their main field in order to broaden their ability to undertake assignments touching on several management functions, perhaps with a view to becoming all-round consultants, able to lead teams of mixed functional specialists, to act as advisers on general management problems, and to undertake diagnostic surveys of business companies and other organizations. Another reason for

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