Кубр Милан Консалтинг


The different reports written by consultants are mentioned in various chapters of the book according to the occasions and purposes that call for them. This appendix reviews the essential principles of writing and producing reports in consulting.

1.Reports in perspective

In most consulting work, written communication complements oral communication, but in some cases the written report will become the main or the only communication channel. In addition to summarizing and conveying information and stimulating the client to act, reports to clients have other important functions. They contribute by their quality and presentation to the impact the consultant makes during the assignment. They also affect the consultant’s general reputation. When the personal contacts between consultant and client are limited (for example, if the client obtains written proposals from several consultants and will select one on the basis of these proposals), persuasion may be a vital feature of a report.

An excellent consulting report meets three basic criteria:

First, it is reader-friendly. Its structure, style, terminology, arguments used and any other features are selected with regard to the client’s background, needs and preferences. The basic question is: “What sort of report will render the best service to the client and will be easily read and understood by the client?” and not: “What sort of report do we like to produce in our firm?” Obviously, in many cases the client will have no particular preference and will leave the choice to the consultant. Yet the question must be asked, and discussing it directly with the client may be helpful.

Second, the report should be easy for the consultant to write. Ease of writing leads to ease of reading. In addition, it saves time and money for the client, who is going to pay for the time spent by the consultant on writing, and use his or her own time studying the report. In an extreme case, a poorly drafted report may put off the client and achieve the opposite of what was intended.

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