Кубр Милан Консалтинг

7.1Initial contacts

The consultant makes the contact

Contacting potential clients without being solicited by them – cold calling – is one of the ways of marketing consulting services (this will be discussed in detail in Chapter 29). A cold call can arouse the interest of the client, who may decide to keep the consultant’s name in mind for the future. Only rarely would a cold contact lead immediately to an assignment.

If the consultant contacts a client about whom he has a certain amount of information, and can show that he knows about that client’s problems and intentions and has something relevant to offer, the chances are better that such an initiative will produce an assignment. This can also happen if the consultant is introduced by another client for whom he has worked in the past.

A special case is when public authorities or other organizations publicly announce their intention to carry out a consulting project, and invite consultants to manifest their interest or submit proposals. In such a situation, a number of consultants will almost certainly offer their services.

The client makes the contact

In most cases it will be the client who makes the first contact. This implies that he or she is aware of problems and need for independent advice in his or her organization, and has decided to bring in a management consultant. In addition, the client must have a reason for turning to a particular consultant:

he or she has heard about the consultant’s professional reputation;

a business friend who was satisfied with the consultant’s services recommended him or her (very frequent);

the client found the consultant in a register or directory (less frequent);

the consultant’s publications or interventions at management conferences have impressed the client;

the client has been contacted by the consultant previously;

the client is returning to a consultant whose work was fully satisfactory in the past (repeat business can be very important).

In any event, the consultant should find out why the client selected him or her; this will not be difficult.

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