13.6 Managing an IT consulting project
Objectives and deliverables will have been discussed during the process of tendering for the consultancy work. However, before the consultant starts work in earnest, the client and the consulting team should set aside time to meet and clarify the objectives further. Investment of personal time will be amply repaid later in the project. Objectives often contain conflicts, for instance between cost and flexibility or between the demands of different users. Many ill-defined objectives have resulted from an attempt to hide these conflicts rather than facing up to them at the outset. If the objectives change as the assignment proceeds, then go back to reclarify and replan.
Plan to have an explicit time buffer between the completion of the consultancy work and the first critical deliverable such as a “go-live” date. All projects need contingency time for unexpected events but client and consultant often feel embarrassed about this “padding” and implicitly conspire to hide the safety time by accepting overestimated times on every single task in the project. Neither the client nor the consultant can manage safety time that is hidden within the tasks, and it is in the wrong place: it should be at the end of the project. Overestimating on each task gives a false illusion of safety to those whose duty it is to deliver the task – an illusion that is often rudely shattered when a critical bug is found the day before the go-live deadline. Risky projects need a longer time buffer, typically up to a third of the overall time available. This way of working requires a different approach by all concerned: more honesty in estimating task times, constant monitoring of the project buffer and immediate action if the safety time begins to be eaten away at a faster rate than the project is progressing.7
There should be one person who acts as the client for the project and, if it is a significant project, a top-level manager should act as a sponsor. For large multifaceted projects, the sponsor will need to assemble and chair a steering committee with the brief of ensuring that all stakeholder needs are met.
Clients should think hard about whether they have the time to manage the consultants. It is possible to employ someone – another consultant perhaps – who is not connected with the main consulting contractor to manage the consultants.
Client and consultant should also plan for the time of the specialized people within both organizations who will need to work together. If the consultants cannot deliver a key specialist such as a database designer at the right time, then the whole project will be delayed. On the other hand, if the consultants cannot gain access to the people they need to talk to, such as specialists, senior managers or end-users in the client organization, then they will have a legitimate reason for late delivery.
Client and consultant should work together to develop a stakeholder analysis and keep it up to date. Think of everyone who could be affected by the project and map them according to the degree to which they are affected. Manage all these relationships according to their importance and review the status and importance of the relationship with each stakeholder periodically as the project progresses.
Yandex.RTB R-A-252273-3- FOREWORD
- Plan of the book
- 1.1What is consulting?
- 1.3How are consultants used? Ten principal ways
- 1.5Evolving concepts and scope of management consulting
- 2.1A historical perspective
- 2.2The current consulting scene
- 2.3Range of services provided
- 2.4Generalist and specialist services
- 2.6Internal consultants
- 2.7Management consulting and other professions
- 2.8Management consulting, training and research
- 3.1Defining expectations and roles
- 3.2The client and the consultant systems
- 3.4Behavioural roles of the consultant
- 3.5Further refinement of the role concept
- 3.6Methods of influencing the client system
- 3.7Counselling and coaching as tools of consulting
- 4.1Understanding the nature of change
- 4.3Gaining support for change
- 4.4Managing conflict
- 4.5Structural arrangements and interventions for assisting change
- 5.1Understanding and respecting culture
- 5.2Levels of culture
- 5.3Facing culture in consulting assignments
- 6.2The professional approach
- 6.3Professional associations and codes of conduct
- 6.4Certification and licensing
- 6.5Legal liability and professional responsibility
- 7.1Initial contacts
- 7.2Preliminary problem diagnosis
- 7.3Terms of reference
- 7.5Proposal to the client4
- 7.6The consulting contract
- 8.1Conceptual framework of diagnosis
- 8.2Diagnosing purposes and problems
- 8.3Defining necessary facts
- 8.4Sources and ways of obtaining facts
- 8.5Data analysis
- 8.6Feedback to the client
- 9.1Searching for possible solutions
- 9.2Developing and evaluating alternatives
- 9.3Presenting action proposals to the client
- 10.3 Training and developing client staff
- 10.4Some tactical guidelines for introducing changes in work methods
- 10.5 Maintenance and control of the new practice
- 11.1 Time for withdrawal
- 11.3 Follow-up
- 12.1Nature and scope of consulting in corporate strategy and general management
- 12.2 Corporate strategy
- 12.3 Processes, systems and structures
- 12.4 Corporate culture and management style
- 13.1 The developing role of information technology
- 13.3An overall model of information systems consulting
- 13.4 Quality of information systems
- 13.5 The providers of IT consulting services
- 13.6 Managing an IT consulting project
- 14.1 Creating value
- 14.3 Working capital and liquidity management
- 14.5 Mergers and acquisitions
- 14.7 Accounting systems and budgetary control
- 15.1 The marketing strategy level
- 15.2 Marketing operations
- 15.3 Consulting in commercial enterprises
- 16.1 The scope of e-business consulting
- 16.4 Dot.com organizations
- 17.1 Developing an operations strategy
- 17.2 The product perspective
- 17.3 The process perspective
- 17.4 The human aspects of operations
- 18.2 Policies, practices and the human resource audit
- 18.3 Human resource planning
- 18.6 Human resource development
- 18.7 Labour–management relations
- 18.8 New areas and issues
- 19.1 Managing in the knowledge economy
- 19.2 Knowledge-based value creation
- 19.3 Developing a knowledge organization
- 20.1Shifts in productivity concepts, factors and conditions
- 20.2 Productivity and performance measurement
- 20.4Designing and implementing productivity and performance improvement programmes
- 20.5Tools and techniques for productivity improvement
- 21.1 Understanding TQM
- 21.3 Principles and building-blocks of TQM
- 21.6 ISO 9000 as a vehicle to TQM
- 21.7 Pitfalls and problems of TQM
- 22.1 What is organizational transformation?
- 22.2 Preparing for transformation
- 22.3 Strategies and processes of transformation
- 22.4 Company turnarounds
- 22.5 Downsizing
- 22.8 Joint ventures for transformation
- 22.10 Networking arrangements
- 22.14 Pitfalls and errors to avoid in transformation
- 23.1 The social dimension of business
- 23.2 Current concepts and trends
- 23.3 Consulting services
- 23.5Consulting in specific functions and areas of business
- 24.1 Characteristics of small enterprises
- 24.4 Areas of special concern
- 24.6 Innovations in small-business consulting
- 25.1 What is different about micro-enterprises?
- 25.3 The special skills of micro-enterprise consultants
- 26.1 The evolving role of government
- 26.5 Some current challenges
- 27.1 The management challenge of the professions
- 27.2 Managing a professional service
- 27.3 Managing a professional business
- 27.4Achieving excellence professionally and in business
- 28.2 The scope of client services
- 28.3 The client base
- 28.5 Going international
- 28.6 Profile and image of the firm
- 28.7 Strategic management in practice
- 29.1 The marketing approach in consulting
- 29.2 A client’s perspective
- 29.3 Techniques for marketing the consulting firm
- 29.4Techniques for marketing consulting assignments
- 29.5 Marketing to existing clients
- 29.6 Managing the marketing process
- 30.1 Income-generating activities
- 30.2 Costing chargeable services
- 30.5 Fair play in fee-setting and billing
- 30.8 Billing clients and collecting fees
- 31.1 Structuring and scheduling an assignment
- 31.2 Preparing for an assignment
- 31.3 Managing assignment execution
- 31.4 Controlling costs and budgets
- 31.5 Assignment records and reports
- 31.6 Closing an assignment
- 32.1 What is quality management in consulting?
- Box 32.2 Responsibility for quality
- 32.2Key elements of a quality assurance programme
- 32.3 Quality certification
- 33.1 Operating workplan and budget
- 33.2 Performance monitoring
- 33.3 Bookkeeping and accounting
- 34.1Drivers for knowledge management in consulting
- 34.4 Sharing knowledge with clients
- 35.1 Legal forms of business
- 35.2 Management and operations structure
- 35.3 IT support and outsourcing
- 36.1 Personal characteristics of consultants
- 36.2 Recruitment and selection
- 36.3 Career development
- 36.4 Compensation policies and practices
- 37.1 What should consultants learn?
- 37.3 Training methods
- 37.4Further training and development of consultants
- 37.6 Learning options available to sole practitioners
- 38.1 Your market
- 38.2 Your profession