Кубр Милан Консалтинг

32.3 Quality certification

In recent years there has been considerable debate among management consultants about the relevance of externally audited quality standards to their firms. Movement towards seeking certification has been at the pace dictated by the marketplace, including in some cases direct pressure from public sector clients, who see certification as a necessary reassurance of attention to quality. As a result, many large consulting firms have started preparing for, and gaining, certification for at least some sectors of their business. The origins of this movement lie in several countries of the European Union, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom in particular.

ISO 9001:2000 quality assurance standard

The international quality standard ISO 9001:2000 was discussed in Chapter 21. These standards require the applying organization to have a quality policy and a documented quality system and supporting procedure, and to provide evidence that the procedures are being used, conformance is being monitored and there are regular reviews.

Yandex.RTB R-A-252273-3
Yandex.RTB R-A-252273-4