Кубр Милан Консалтинг

10.3 Training and developing client staff

In Chapters 1 and 2 we showed the logical and natural link between consulting and training. Both have the same ultimate objective – to improve organizational performance and results – and they support each other. In most operating assignments some training and development of client staff is foreseen in the work programme. It may take a variety of forms and its volume will differ from case to case.

Developing the cooperating team

Perhaps the most interesting and efficient, although the least formalized, method of developing client personnel is through knowledge transfer during direct cooperation with the consultant during the assignment. In a small enterprise, the owner–manager may be personally involved. In other organizations, some managers, the liaison officer and other members of the team who are responsible for the project will work jointly with the consultant. A good consultant takes every opportunity not only to use client staff for routine jobs (such as data collection), but increasingly to involve them in the more sophisticated operations, demanding specific skills and experience, and stimulating learning. As this is an excellent learning opportunity, talented people with good development potential should be assigned to this job, and

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