Кубр Милан Консалтинг

37.3 Training methods

Training-course methods

New consultants are trained using a variety of methods, with emphasis on participative methods and on those where the trainee can adjust the pace of learning to individual capabilities.

Subjects that involve mainly the imparting of knowledge may require some lectures, but these should be supplemented by discussions, practical exercises, case studies and other techniques. In many cases, lectures can be replaced by individual reading (e.g. on the origin and history of consulting, on types and specialization of consulting firms), or by audiovisual learning packages (e.g. videotapes or Internet-based learning material). Subjects involving skill improvement require techniques that permit practice. This can be done to some extent in a training course by using properly chosen learning situations and exercises. Experience with methods suitable for training in process consulting skills is summarized in box 37.2.

Case studies can introduce the new consultant to various consulting situations and provide good material for discussion; the consulting firm may be in a position to prepare its own case studies, or histories, based on experience from previous assignments. Appendix 6 provides suggestions on using the case method in consultant development and suggests some sources of suitable case material.

Practical exercises can lead the new consultant through common consulting practices, such as:

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