
4.2.1 Enuresis

This is defined as a normal void occurring at an inappropriate or socially unacceptable time or place. Children with nocturnal enuresis void in bed while asleep and are generally not aroused by the wetting. The condition is mono-symptomatic and has a clear familial tendency.

Primary nocturnal enuresis

Involuntary bed wetting from the time of birth without an uninterrupted period of at least 6 months.

Secondary (onset) nocturnal enuresis

Involuntary bed wetting after a dry period of at least 6 months.

Nocturnal polyuria enuresis

This describes nocturnal enuresis in children who have urine production in excess of their functional bladder

capacity, as shown by voiding charts.

Diurnal enuresis

Wetting in attention-deficit disorders; voiding is complete; bladder and urethral function are normal.