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Кубр Милан Консалтинг

7.5Proposal to the client4

As a rule, the assignment proposed will be described in a document presented to the client for approval and decision. It may be given different names: survey report, technical proposal, project document, project plan, contract proposal, and the like. Some clients require the consultant to present the proposals in a predetermined format. This facilitates study by the client and evaluation of alternative proposals received from several consultants. Furthermore, the format of the proposal may correspond to the format of the consulting contract to be signed.

A proposal submitted to the client is an important selling document. It is not enough for the consultant to have a clear vision of how to execute the assignment: he or she must be able to describe this vision on paper in a way that will make it clear to other people. This may include individuals who have not met the consultant, and will be forming their opinions solely on the basis of the written proposal.