
2. You bump into a friend you haven’t seen for ages in the street – she suggests a night out together next week.

A. You get out your diary to see what you’re doing next week, and make an arrangement there and then.

B. You agree enthusiastically and promise to ring her tomorrow … and then forget all about it!

3. To your amazement, you win $500 in a competition that you entered.

A. You put the money in the bank towards the new car / holiday / computer that you ‘re saving up for.

B. You pay off a few debts, buy a couple of CDs and some new clothes, take a friend out for a meal to celebrate … and the money’s gone!

4. It’s the end of June. You have two weeks holiday from work at the beginning of August.

A. You have already booked your holiday and are starting to plan what clothes you need. You’ve borrowed several tourist guides to the area, and are planning various excursions and trips.

B. You’re thinking of going to Greece, but you haven’t really looked into it yet. You’re going to start phoning travel agents next week.