III Lesson 4 function
Написання неофіційного листа дозволяє деяку свободу стилю викладення інформації, вживання скорочених форм, проте вимагає чіткого дотримання вимог до структури листа.
Звертатися до адресата слід Dear + name, (обов’язково ставте кому!), наприклад,
Dear Tom, or Dear Uncle Bill,
Типове перше речення основної частини неофіційного листа може бути таким:
It was nice/great/lovely/pleasant to hear from you… Як чудово отримати від тебе листа…
I hope you're well… Сподіваюся, у тебе све гаразд…
Sorry I haven't written for so long… Вибач, що довго не писав…
Thanks for your letter… Дякую за листа…
How are you? I'm fine. Як твої справи? Мої - чудово…
В основній частині листа-запиту про інформацію можна використовувати наступні фрази:
I'd like to know… Я б хотів дізнатися …
I want to know… Я хочу знати…
Can you let me know …etc. Чи не міг ти мені пояснити
Для подальшого розпитування:
Can you also find out…? Чи можеш ти також з’ясувати…
I'm also interested in …etc. Мене також цікавить…
Send me the details of… Надішли мені подробиці про…
В основній частині листа-надання інформації можна використовувати наступні фрази:
You wanted me to tell you… Ти хотів, щоб я розповів про…
Answering your first question I want to tell you that… У відповідь на перше запитання хочу тобі сказати, що …
Для подальшого роз’яснення:
As for…, I can add that… Що стосується …., можу додати…
Your next question is about…, so I'd like to inform Твоє наступне запитання є про…,
youthat…отже, хочу проінформувати, що…
You'd also like to know if…, unfortunately I can Ти також цікавився, чи…, на жаль,
disappoint you… можу тебе розчарувати…
Finally, I’m glad to confirm that… Нарешті, радий підтвердити, що…
У заключному реченні основної частини неофіційного листа зазначають:
Write soon. Незабаром напишу.
I'll be in touch soon. Скоро зв’яжуся.
Hoping to hear from you soon. Сподіваюся на швидку відповідь.
Give my regards/love to your family. Найкращі побажання родині.
Перед підписом, як правило,завершуютьлист одниміз висловів:
Sincerely yours, Щиро твій (ваш),
Yours (always) faithfully, Твій (вічно) вірний,
Yours ever, Навіки твій (ваш),
Best wishes, Найкращих побажань,
- English revision course
- Grammar Article (general issues) The Noun (Sg./Pl.; 's;) The Order of Words The Pronouns (Personal, Possessives, Reflexive, Demonstrative) to be to have/have got
- Nouns in Plural
- The Pronouns (Займенники)
- Demonstrative Pronouns (Вказівні займенники)
- 4 Put the words in the correct order.
- Function how to start a conversation
- How to say goodbye Read the following phrases and say when we use them.
- Social expressions
- 1 We use certain social expressions in different social situations.
- 3 Listen and practise saying them. How to take an interview
- 1 Here is an interview with Emma. Complete the interviewer's part using the verb "to be".
- Follow up
- 3 Speak in pairs what family type you live in.
- 4 Go through the text again and underlinelike this:
- 5 Find the following words quite, a little, rather, very, extremely. How do they change the meaning of the adjectives which follow them?
- 6 Find in the text the words and word combinations with the opposite meaning:
- Grammar The Present Simple Tense
- Adverbs of frequency with the Present Simple Tense
- 1 Open the brackets
- 2 Say as in the Models
- Reading and speaking
- 1 Read the text, and try to remember it.
- 2 Think of a similar description of a famous person but don't say who it is. Get ready to tell your groupmates your story.Let them guess who it is.
- 3 Compare your answers with your partner. Now listen again and check. For fun
- What language learning type are you?
- The worker The worker is someone who:
- The player The player Is someone who:
- The thinker The thinker is someone who:
- The feeler The feeler is someone who:
- Grammar The Present Continuous Tense
- 1 Open the brackets
- 2 Fill in (c) with the information about yourself.
- Listening and speaking
- 2 Notice these common expressions on the telephone.
- Follow up
- Lesson 9 then and now everyday english
- Grammar The Past Simple Tense
- 1 Underline the right form of the verb.
- 2 Use one of the verbs to fill each gap. Put the verbs in the Past Simple. Fall find spend lose need hurt laugh take leave save celebrate can't
- Reading
- 1 Gloria Spitz, who is English, describes how she met her American husband, Hank, in the 1940s. Complete the text using the words in the box.
- I couldn't look at him gave us chocolates came back for me
- Follow up
- Reading and speaking
- 1 Write the correct verb in the chart. Add more words to each column. Make sentences of your own with word-combinations.
- 2 Read the article about chronobiology*. Do you agree with experts?
- Function
- 3 Are you a couch potato? is about leisure activities. Read it and choose the best definition for a coach potato.
- Are you a couch potato?
- Grammar The Present Perfect Tense
- 1 Underline the right form of the verb.
- 2 Make positive and negative sentences about the following people.
- 3 Ask the following people questions about their experiences.
- 4 Circle the right variant
- Lesson 14
- Reading and speaking
- 1 Read the text and find some usual and unusual things people can collect. Fill in the mind map. Hobby. Collecting Things
- 2 Answer the following questions:
- Follow up
- The Future Simple Tense
- 1 Underline the right verb form.
- 2 Make positive or negative sentences about the following people's plans.
- 3 Complete the sentences with willorbe going to.
- Reading and speaking we are going to receive guests
- 1 Read two passages about the traditions of receiving guests in different countries. Fill in the chart.
- 2 You are going to receive guests next weekend. Use information from Column "Me" to describe Ukrainian traditions.
- II Lesson 3 Jigsaw reading Text a
- III Lesson 4 function
- IV Lesson 7 Vocabulary and Listening 1 (tapescript)
- V Lesson 7 Listening 2 (tapescript)
- VI Lesson 8 Listening and speaking (tapescript)
- VII Lesson 14 Jigsaw reading
- VIII Lesson 10 Listening and Grammar (tapescript)
- IX Lesson 10 function Being Polite Listening (tapescript)
- X Lesson 3 Jigsaw reading Text b
- XI Lesson 14 Jigsaw reading
- Essential Vocabulary
- Adjectives
- Adverbs
- Conjunctions
- Prepositions
- Irregular Verbs