Promotiona tools M and S

Buying Things in the Shop

Manufacturer - intermediary 1 – intermediary 2 – intermediary 3 – shop - customer

2. What problems might the following cause in some markets? Why?

The advertisement for painkillers that shows three pictures from left to right: first, someone with a headache, who is next seen taking the pain killer and, finally, smiling.

3. What problems might the following TV advert cause in some markets?

A woman is shown coming out of the shower and getting dressed. In the following scene, a man is seen taking flowers from a restaurant table. In the final scene, the man gives the flowers to the woman, they look into each other’s eyes, and leave together.

Role play 1

Choose a product or service that you might talk about with friends: cars, hi-fi equipment, holidays, language courses, a builder/painter to do work on your house or flat.

Work with a partner. One of you wants to buy one of the things. The other has just bought the product or service and recommends the make they bought or the service they used. Role play the conversation.

Role play 2

Work with a partner. One of you is the Marketing Director for a chocolate company or a canned and frozen food company. The other is a Creative Director at an advertising agency that wants the Marketing Director to spend money on TV advertising. The Marketing Director does not want to spend money on this and suggests some of the alternatives: direct mail, tasting of the products in supermarkets. Internet advertising, sponsorship of sports/cultural events, coupons (pieces of paper showing a reduction that you can ask for when you buy something).

Role play the conversation, with each side giving reasons for their choice of marketing activities.

Project work

Yandex.RTB R-A-252273-3