Promotiona tools M and S

Sales Promotion

Sales promotion is the most important element of the promotion mix It is not to be confused with promotion – a broader term – of which sales promotion is a part. Sales promotion is defined as those promotional activities other than advertising, personal selling and publicity, that stimulate consumer purchasing and dealer effectiveness. Such activities as games, contests, demonstrations, trade shows, exhibitions, and similar efforts are designed to help in promotional strategy. Useful novelties, such as calendars, match books, key rings, product samples, premiums tied to consumer purchases may be given to customers to remind them of the advertisers’ names, services, and products. Dealer or trade promotion includes instructing retailers in effective means of selling products, providing materials for window or counter displays, and keeping merchants informed of promotional tactics and strategies.

The use of sales promotion cannot solve the problems resulting from poor product performance or inadequate distribution. It also cannot take the place of advertising and personal selling. It has to be a part of the total promotion and must be planned in that light.

Yandex.RTB R-A-252273-3