методическое пособие

No Idioms


If you have absolutely no knowledge of something, you have ‘no idea’ about it.

If something is not at all surprising, it is ‘no wonder’ that it happens.

If it is impossible that something will happen, there is ‘no way’ it will happen.

Another way of saying this is to say that there is ‘no chance’ it will happen.

If something is serious or difficult, it is ‘no joke’.

If a situation is unpleasant or difficult, it is ‘no picnic’.

If you have no evidence of something, you see ‘no sign’ of it.

If there is no evidence or justification for something, there is ‘no reason’ for it.

If there is no reward or objective in doing something, there is ‘no point’ in doing it.

If something is very probable or highly likely, there is ‘no doubt’ about it.