методическое пособие

Memory Idioms

If you "can't get a word in edgeways", this means that you have no chance to say anything.

It's also possible to say "can't get a word in edgewise".

If you have forgotten what you were talking about, you have "lost your train of thought".

If you have absolutely no idea about something, you "haven't a clue".

If you cannot understand something, you "can't make head nor tail" of it.

If you forgot about something, it "slipped your mind".

If you have to choose between two alternatives and you are finding it difficult, you are "caught between two stools".

If something tries to be two things but is not very good at being either it "falls between two stools".

If you are trying to remember something and cannot quite remember it, it is "on the tip of your tongue".

If you don't understand something, you can say that "it beats me".

Sometimes, explanations are too difficult or technical for us – they "go over our heads".

Sometimes we think and think about something, trying to remember a name, for example. You can say you have been "racking my brain".