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Фразы для резюмирования текста

The article goes on to say that…

I’d like to speak about…

I’m going to speak about…

First of all, I’d like to tell you a few words about…

And now some words about…

It’s necessary to say that…

It should be noted / said / stressed that…

I’d also like to add that…

I think…

To my mind…

As you know…

In conclusion I can say that…

In conclusion it should be said that…

In conclusion I’d like to say that…

Пример резюмирования текста на английском языке

The article I am going to review is taken from the Internet. It is called Architecture. It deals with the definition of Architecture as a multifunctional term.

First of all, architecture can mean the art of designing and erecting different types of buildings and structures. It can also mean the practice of an architect in planning, designing and constructing activities.

It should be said that at the same time it can refer to a style and method of designing and constructing buildings and other structures.

The article goes on to say that architectural works are often perceived as cultural and political symbols and as works of art.

I’d like to add that the term architecture is common in the information technology world.

It should be stressed that architects plan, design and review the construction of buildings and structures for the use of people.

In conclusion I’d like to say that architecture is not only the process but also the product of planning, designing and constructing form, space and ambience which reflect functional, social and aesthetic considerations.

2. Второй вопрос – беглое чтение оригинального текста по специальности аспиранта. Объем – 1000-1500 печатных знаков. Время выполнения – 2 минуты. Форма проверки – передача содержания на русском языке.

Пример текста: Skyscraper www.wikipedia.org

A skyscraper is a tall, continuously habitable building of many stories, often designed for office and commercial use. There is no official definition or height above which a building may be classified as a skyscraper. One common feature is that skyscrapers tend to make use of a steel framework structure from which walls are suspended, rather than having load-bearing walls as seen in conventional buildings.

As there is no official definition of what constitutes a skyscraper, a relatively small building may be considered one if it protrudes well above its built environment and changes the overall skyline. The maximum height of structures has progressed historically with building methods and technologies. 'Supertall' has arisen as a contemporary expression for exceptionally tall buildings, although again there is no formal definition.

The Emporis Standards Committee defines a high-rise building as "a multi-storey structure between 35–100 metres tall, or a building of unknown height from 12–39 floors" and a skyscraper as "a multi-storey building whose architectural height is at least 100 metres." Some structural engineers define a highrise as any vertical construction for which wind is a more significant load factor than earthquake or weight. Note that this criterion fits not only high-rises but some other tall structures, such as towers.

The word skyscraper often carries a connotation of pride and achievement. The skyscraper, in name and social function, is a modern expression of the age-old symbol of the world center or axis mundi: a pillar that connects earth to heaven and the four compass directions to one another.

Пример передачи общего содержания текста на русском языке

В данной статье речь идет о небоскребах и высотных зданиях.

Небоскреб представляет собой пригодное для жилья и использования высотное здание, часто предназначенное под офисы и для иных коммерческих целей.

Не существует четкого определения, какой именно высоты здание считается небоскребом. Однако общим признаком подобных конструкций является наличие стального каркаса, на котором крепятся возвышающиеся несущие стены. За неимением четких критериев, даже сравнительно невысокое здание может выглядеть небоскребом, если оно выделяется на фоне окружающих его построек.

С развитием технологий и методов строительства высота сооружений постоянно увеличивалась в ходе истории. По стандартам комитета всемирной организации «Emporis», высотными считаются многоэтажные здания от 35 до 100 метров высотой, либо 12-39-этажные здания любой высоты, а небоскребами являются многоэтажные сооружения свыше 100 метров.

В качестве вывода можно констатировать тот факт, что небоскребы являются синонимом гордости и достижений современности и часто устанавливаются в знаменательных местах («ось земли»).

3. Третий вопрос – беседа на английском языке с экзаменаторами, связанная со специальностью и научной деятельностью аспиранта.

Рекомендуется подготовить рассказ-представление о себе, своей специальности (образовании), рассказать о научном руководителе, о сфере научных интересов и направлении исследования, обозначить примерную тему диссертации и обосновать актуальность проводимой работы, а также практическое применение предполагаемых результатов исследования.

Пример рассказа о научных интересах аспиранта

1. What is your name?

-My name is Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov.

2. What educational institution did you graduate from? When?

-I graduated from Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering in 20…

3.What is your speciality?

-My speciality is …/ My profession is …

4. Why did you decide to take a post-graduate course?

-I decided to take a post graduate-course because I had been interested in science since my 3-d year at the University / because scientific approach is very important in my profession.

5. What is the subject of your future scientific research?

-The subject of my scientific research is …

-My future scientific research is devoted to the problem of …

- My future scientific research deals with the problem of …

6. Who is your scientific supervisor?

-My scientific supervisor is Ivan Petrovich Petrov, Professor, Doctor of technical/ economic sciences, Head of the Chair of … / Head of the Department of …

-He has got a lot of publications devoted to the problem of …

7. Have you ever participated in any scientific conferences?

-Yes, I’ve participated in many conferences devoted to the most actual problems of economy/physics/geodesy/hydrology etc.

-Not yet, but I hope, together with my supervisor, I’ll prepare some reports for scientific conferences/I’ll take part in several conferences in the near future.

8. Do you have any publications?

-Yes, I’ve got some publications connected with my research.

- Not yet, but I hope, together with my supervisor, I’ll prepare some publications, they will be devoted to my research.

9.What methods are you going to use in your investigation?

-Together with my supervisor we are going to apply such methods as theoretical, experimental, practical and computational methods because they will help me to complete my research.

10. What will your scientific research give the world? In what way can your investigation/research be useful to … science?

-I think / I hope / I dare say that the problem of our scientific research is very urgent and our scientific research will be very useful for … / it will help people in the field of …