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Contemporary Advertising


With the changing media used by advertisers, advertisement itself changed quite a bit. So far the ads tried to present a product and make the consumer believe in the big advantages of it. Today, advertisers try to create certain images around their products, which draw a greater attention to the customers and makes them stick this specific product. This so-called “creative revolution” had its origin in the 1950s and 1960s when prominent advertising agencies stated that good advertising has to begin with the respect for the public’s intelligence and therefore have to be understated, sophisticated and witty.


This statement is even more important for today’s commercials on TV, since the technology has made it possible for the viewer to use the remote control to change the channel while the commercials are on. If it is not interesting to the viewer he will simply flip to another channel avoiding the commercial. New digital devices make it even possible to edit out commercials in order to watch a “commercial free” movie or show.