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пособие Гpo-2011(оконч вар)

Image reputation

A brand or corporate image is a tactical tool. Reputation on the other hand is strategic – as one decides what want to be known for and constantly work towards building that reputation. The tools employed to promote an image and build a reputation are quite different - but they are complementary and one goes with the other.

Typical Image Tools: Advertising, Promotions, Direct mail, Competitions

Typical Reputation Tools: Corporate Social Responsibility programs, Strategic sponsorships, Media outreach

And in today’s more aware and questioning society, it’s important that companies achieve not just a balance between the image and reputation, but are also more careful in how they manage the relationship between them.

There is no doubt that PR, with its ability to think and plan strategically, must take a more active role in promoting the importance of reputation. But to do this, PR specialists and the corporate and marketing executives need to be fully aware of how image and reputation are linked and managed.


  1. What does the term “reputation” implies?

  2. What does the term “image” implies?

  3. What are the differences between image and reputation?

  4. What messages is Image based on?

  5. What are the typical Image Tools?

  6. What are the typical Reputation Tools?

  7. How could you explain the connection between image and a reputation?

  8. Why do organizations need to change image sometimes?

  9. Is it important for the companies to achieve a balance between the image and reputation?

  10. Can you bring an example of a company with a good reputation and image and give some detailed description about it?